Monday, December 13, 2010

idk how to fix the map! lol but i think the problem is it works on Firefox but not Internet Explorer.. at least that's what happened on my computer. if you guys want to try to fix it you can.. if not we can just try to use firefox there if that's the problem.
i tried redoing the map. let me know if it works or not..
hey, i just found it on the blog on when i clicked on it, it took me to the site.  i logged out of my account and then looked at the site and i could still see it, so it's weird that it's not showing up.  i added picture sources by putting the website links directly on the pictures (not the google images web address) and then i just added a little sentence at the bottom that said "click on the pictures for a direct link to web sources." i hope that's okay for the sources.  i did it for my two pages and the main page.  anything else we're missing?

Sunday, December 12, 2010


The google map is not showing up.. where did you get it and I will try to upload it again.


i added the google map and document to "teaching others." idk if that's a good place.. let me know if it needs to be moved. also, you can change/add to the description because i wasn't sure what to put. lol
i have a few more things to do i on my pages so we have to cite our pics on the bottom of our page.


the website's coming together nicely. thanks for adding that. i just put the links on the pictures, so when you click on them it goes to the website. does that count as citing it? i could add them to the bottom too if we need to. did anyone add the google map/document thing? do we just have to have the map and document added like on the blog or was there a lesson plan to go with it? i can't remember..

What else needs to be done

I don't know where to get the google maps or google document assignment. Can someone upload this. Also at the bottom of my pages I put

Resources: Images provided by __________ and linked the website. I saw this is how one of the example groups did it.

So far I have:
  • Added my three lessons
  • my movie
  • Did Cost and Procedures and Activities
  • Added a starting sentence
  • added one picture per page and sited them at the bottom of the page
  • I added "Last updated December 2010" at the bottom of every page because one of the rubrics said to and I didn't want to miss points for something that silly

What else needs to be done? I am going to add more information from the book in my starting sentences to incorporate more project based learning info.


Hey, I have updated all of my stuff and just keep adding and adding to the website. I keep going over the rubric to make sure we aren't missing something simple. I added "last updated" to each of the pages because that is in the rubric. It also says we needed to site were we got the pictures from for each page. Where did you guys put your sitations? Should I just add mine to the bottom of the page?? Let me know! :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

What's done..

Here's what's done so far:

Blog and Podcast - Home page

Standards - You can add/take out any. I just picked some I thought worked.


WMU link

We still need to add:

Google Maps lesson and Google document

Each page needs a description on how it's incorporated in the unit I think..

And every page needs something new on it and a picture.

All lessons/links/videos etc.

I have all my lessons, 6 links, and video on there. I think I just need links to add sources on my pics.  Anything else I missed let me know.

Sorry there are like 10 posts. Just wanted to try to organize things so I don't forget anything. :)

Have a good weekend.

one more thing..

Sorry, another post.. we also have to have 3 new websites on there along with the 3 we evaluated! 


Hey, the last post was from me, I was still logged in as Stephanie from working on the site.

I wanted to add don't forget to put links to your websites that you evaluated and a short description.  Make sure they go with the page. You don't have to put the actual evaluations though.

Almost done..

Maryann and I were at the lab today..
I'm almost done with both of my pages.
We each only have to do one real lesson and then the other thing is just writing about another lesson idea.
I forgot where we wanted to post the podcast, so I'm doing it on the homepage.
If you guys want to move it you can.
lisa and I will be there also

Thursday, December 9, 2010

computer lab

Will everyone be able to make it tomorrow to the computer lab? I will be there the whole time from 1-4 :)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Final Inspiration

Website Outline

Home: More info on what is on the website. Podcast and Blog.

Activities:Lesson plan 1 (maryann, Video (Stephanie)

Teaching others:PowerPoint (maryann-new lesson)

What is recyclable: Lesson plan 1 and video (Lisa)

How to recycle: Lesson 2 (Maryann) Video (Maryann)

School recycling program: Lesson plan 2 (Lisa)

Cost and procedures: New lesson

This is our outline for our website. Try to figure out where you want to have your stuff inserted by Friday so we can organize in open lab!


So for the website I am working on cost and procedures and activities. For the cost and procedures I am going to get information from the local recycling plant and for activities I am going to create a character out of recycled materials.

One week!

One week until the website is due! We'll have to do a lot today :) I think I'll work on my part at home too because I don't think I'll finish it all today in class.. See you tonight!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Hey! Sorry I missed class! I am going to work on the website this week and go in for the open lab this Friday from 1-4 in hopes to get this thing DONE! Let me know if you need anything from me before next Monday.