Monday, October 25, 2010


For my part of the podcast, I am going to write my script about the concept map, web evaluations and hot links, and lastly my lesson plan 2 dealing with Excel.
I will be working on the blog, movie maker, research and data, and also one conept from the book. Bring script for next week and be ready to record.


Okay, so for the Podcast I am going to focus on:
  • What project based learning is
  • a lesson that we did that has collaborative learning.

I should cover two things from the book but it would be good if you guys looked through the book and used some PBL terminology as well. Let me know what you think!

I like our concept map and all the things that we added

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Digital Story!

I am done with my digital story on the pros of recycling! I hope yours are going well! See you Monday :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Concept Map Update 2!

Concept Map

We decided to add a section on classroom ideas. We chose to do this because of our discussion on lesson plans and data collection!
I will do the third map for my lesson 2 i will be comparing the recycling weight to non recycled weight at home and at school and see if they are decreasing and increasing through time

Lesson Plan 2


I am going to do my data collection on how much the class recycles. They'll have to collect data everyday for a few weeks and figure out the total that they recycled over time. I'm thinking they may weigh the bins they recycle in and record how heavy the bins are to determine how much they collected for the day.


Lesson Plan 2

What are you guys thinking of doing for your data lesson plan 2??

2nd concept map

Hey group! Our second concept map is due Friday, October 29. I did the first concept map and it says a new group member will do the second concept map. Who is going to do this? Let me know!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lesson Plan

Hey group! I finished my lesson plan! I had students research categories of recycling - glass, metal, plastic, and paper. And then I had them create a poster with pictures of different materials to go with each category. I hope your lesson plans are going well! See you Monday!

Monday, October 11, 2010

I will be doing the way we can help to recycle. Cant wait


Hello Group!!
I am focusing on the Con's for my movie. I think I am going to add humor along with facts about the cons of not recycling. I know I will be able to locate a lot of facts about how long it takes certain materials to break down which I think will be interesting. Do you have any suggestions on music that can go along with recycling?

Movie Maker!

I'm going to do my movie on the PROS of recycling!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

lesson plan idea

My lesson plan idea is have the students have a scavebger hunt then they have to create something with what they find. of course this is just a rough idea i will elaborate more on.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Google Maps

Here is our map to go with assignment 4. We chose to draw a line connecting the students in Kalamazoo, Michigan and Sydney, Australia who were doing a project on recycling.

View Recycle in a larger map

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lesson Plan Idea

My rough idea is to have the students do a project so they can learn what materials can be recycled and how they can help the environment through reuse, reduce, and recycle!
This is my idea for my lesson plan:
  • Have the students research recycling, recycling programs and things that people can do in everyday life.
  • Get into groups and have them brainstorm (based on their research) what we could do as a class to facilitate recycling.
  • Present to the class their ideas with visuals
  • Have the class vote on what program they would like to start in our class.
  • Then work with the ideas and put it into effect into the classroom!
What do you think? When I write my lesson plan I'm going to expand on a lot of these ideas. This was just my thinking. Let me know if you have any feedback!

Google Document

Websites on recycling

These are the websites that I found

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Websites on recycling

Here are the websites that I want to focus on:

The last website focuses on the children getting involved. Part of the website says:
In conjunction with planning youth environmental activities and associating with Kids For A Clean Environment, we ask that your programs and activities include:
*Focus on solution, not problems, and without "pointing of fingers"
*Motivate participants to take positive actions
*Strive for ethnic/cultural, economic, age, gener, and physical ability diversity
*at NO time be used to influence local, regional, state, or national rules, policies, laws or government officials

This would be a good website for students to brainstorm what THEY can do to help. This would be a good community building activity for a classroom to participate in. Instead of just learning about recyling, they can learn what they can do.

3 Websites

Hello group,

I posted 4 websites earlier, but here are the final 3 that I ended up using: 

Have a good day! :)

Friday, October 1, 2010


Hey group! Here are the websites I'm going to evaluate:

Have a great weekend!